Dear Volunteers
Thank you for volunteering with “Giving from the Heart @ theAtrium”!! We are excited to have you join us Make A Difference thisDecember!!
We have attached this event’s dutyroster. Please look through, check and jot down in your diary yourassigned duty dates, shifts and briefing date. Both briefing sessionswill be held at Heartware Network’s office; address at Bishan Junction 8Office Tower, #05-01 (enter via the office lift). Refer to the mapattached.
We have done our best in the allocationof duties to your preferred positions. But in order to complete the entireproject as a team, we seek your understanding in the event that you areassigned to your 2nd, 3rd or 4th choice.
Please reply before 15 November 2007 (Thursday) to indicate thatyou have received this email and re-confirm that you can make it for theassigned dates. In the event that you cannot make it on any of theassigned dates, please provide a valid reason and alternative date(s) andshift(s), therein we will confirm with you again via email.
In the reply email, please also attach a soft copy of a passport size photo(compulsory) of yourself. Ensure the following:
Face is visible and clear (hair must not cover face)
Photo file is in JPG format
Re-name your photo file in your own name i.e (your name).jpg
If you are not able to email us yourphoto, please bring a hard copy of your passport size photo on the day of thebriefing itself.
We have also attached a copy of the Consent Form. Please print it out andseek your parents’ or guardian’s signature and bring it along forthe briefing session. This consent form is required as proof that yourparents acknowledge that you are volunteering with “Giving from theHeart@ the Atrium”. ONLY hard copies of the completed Consent Formwill be accepted.
IMPORTANT!!! Lastand not least, please note that ALL volunteers need to sign up for this activitywith Youth Bank. If you have not done so, please log onto Youth Bank at http://bank4u.org/andsign into your account. If you do not have an account, please create anew account. After which, please search for the activity “Givingfrom the Heart @ Atrium (Volunteers)” and join the activity. Pleaseensure that all your detailed information is correctly filled up:
1. FULL Name (as in NRIC)
2. NRIC No. (Your userid)
3. HP and Home Tel. No.
4. Valid Email address (which you will check regularly)
5. Postal address
6. School
7. Occupation (if applicable)
The above is important because the Youth Bank will be ameans where we will update your volunteer hours and check your personal details. These volunteer hours recorded on Youth Bank can be used to exchange foritems that you can donate to charities of your choice in the near future.
In summary, remember to sign up with Youth Bank and reply tothis email to:
ü Confirm if you are able to attendthe assigned briefing session
ü Attach your photo in JPG format
We look forward to meeting all of you at the briefing and pleasecheck your emails regularly for further updates. Should you have anyqueries, please contact us at the contact details below.
Additional Note For Manager Applicants ONLY
Please note that all ManagerApplicants have to attend an interview before the briefing session(s). Wewill email the manager applicants separately to arrange the dates and timing.
All appointed Managers will have to stayback after the general briefing session for about half an hour for anotherbriefing session meant for Managers.
Thank you once again and see you!Recruitment & Administrative CommiteeGiving From the Heart @The Atrium 2007Email add: heartware_dec_event@hotmail.com
O: 6259- 4414
above is the email that some/most of us should have received. regarding the duties, its as follows:
- Fung Xue Feng
- Ng Jin Bin
- Bryan Han Bing Xun
- Shereen Seah Hui Ling
- Ang Huiwen
- Ng Ai Zi Sheena Wijaya
- Liau Han Rong
Phototaking crew:
- Chan Hin Hiang
- Seah Kah Peng
- Soon Lee Sin Rina (Manager)
- Wong Lu Yi
Backstage crew:
- Fong Lin Qiang
- Lim Jun Liang
- Joanne and Peggy: i'll check with the person on saturday regarding your duties.
Briefing dates:17 or 24 Nov
Time: 1030 to 130
Venue: Heartware Network's Office (address can be found in the email pasted above)
Date of CIP: 18 December 2007
Time: 11am to 5pm
(More details will be given at a later date)
** NOTE:
- Get the consent form and duty list from me through msn cos my hotmail is not functioning well.
- Do turn up for the briefing.
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